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Showing posts from April, 2006

...about Her...

Her name is Natalia (often call Her na2t, bulet, kebo, chayank, neng , neng jay, sayang, cinta, future wife :D)..Her full name is Natalia Soelaeman.. i met her at Citra Land Mall then go to Solaria..introduce by my ex workmate(since she went to Bogor now) which is Her's high school friend..-ci Yuli that's what i call her at first me and Her rarely, i mean very rarely talk each other coz i'm not kinda person that easily socialize with new people :( i go with also my ex work mate (she now in Batam, living with her husband..), - ci Mar.. in indonesian aja d..susa pk inglis..hehe2 ya awal2 bnr2 canggung bgt d..ktm cm liat trus ga ngmg, ga jg ga gt perhatiin se..selalu ky gt d, kl dikenalin temen, ga gt perhatiin mknya suka lupa namanya pas ktm.. yaa kita ngobrol bertiga doang (ci mar, ci yuli, g)..jrg ngobrol brg na2t..dia jg ada brg temenya jd yaa dia asik berdua ngobrol brg (br blkgan inget namanya Delia setlh tanya2 na2t lg..he2) singkatnya da kelar makan..trus abis itu ya k...

it's saturday

finally, this day arrive..gonna meet Her soon :D.. btw her name is Natalia, hm..well another blog for her.. and also..3 days from now, i'm gonna go to Singapore on vacation with her, my family, my sister's family, my cousin family, my auntie's family (total 20 people i think), hopefully gonna make a good vacation there (gonna make shame on people's country - buat malu di negara org hua22) plan..first we go to batam using air asia (for cheaper Fiskal..not sure what it said in inglis)..then we go sing using Ferry..hope i'm not sea sick and air sick :(... after that..not sure where to go..since that's my sister's bussiness..i just follow..:D at the office, it's not crowded as usual coz some of my workmate is off :(..while me and couple others still work on saturday(huaa life is not fair, not fair :D) that's go for now.. see you

ari ini kamis neee..

ya tiap kamis g maen bdmtn d jem 5 di krendang raya..10 menit dr ruma g..olahraga g selaen ngepel, nyapu(bnran loh..walopun kdg rajin, rajinnya kdg bgt lbh srgan males he2) ya moga2 aja ari ini orgnya rame biar byr blnannya ga mahal, ama seru jg maennya d..diajak ngadu ama lap. laen jg :D penasaran ne lom perna ngadu ama lap. tengah..smashnya se kenceng2 tp kynya bs laaa cm plgan kala di penempatan bola doang ..ayo dong ngajak ngaduuuuuu...payaaaa masa mesti diajak dlan se..

Use this blog

yaaa g pk blog ini aja d drpd pk punya fs..:D ada aturannya ga se ya nulis blog? ky mesti pk bhs resmi ato apa laa? sapa tau aja byk yg baca blog g trus jd terkenal d hehe..mupeng bgt se rick.. yaa coding tgl satu tahap lg..trus tgl update2 gt d sesuai kemauan user abis itu kelarr?? masa se? cepet amat..pdhl br jg 1..1 taonan kerjainnya heheh segn dl..mau promosiin blog g di fs aaa..:D