at this example i'm using INI file again (read up my previous post to see it) to update Sharpeoint List for 1 year calendar C# IniReader oINI = new IniReader(PATH_TO_INI_FORMAT_HERE); myPWAUrl = oINI.ReadString("DOMAIN", "PWA"); myCalendarList = oINI.ReadString("DOMAIN", "Calendar"); static void UpdateCalendar() { SPSite oSite = new SPSite(myPWAUrl); SPWeb oWeb = oSite.OpenWeb(); //list is already exists then delete it oWeb.Lists[myCalendarList].Delete(); oWeb.Update(); oWeb.Lists.Add(myCalendarList, "Enterprise Holidays", SPListTemplateType.Events); oWeb.Update(); SPList oList = oWeb.Lists[myCalendarList]; oList.OnQuickLaunch = true; oList.Update(); DateTime StartDate = new DateTime(System.DateTime.Today.Year, 1, 1); DateTime CurrentDate; for (int i = 1; i 1) { CurrentDate = StartDate.AddDays(i - 1); if (CurrentDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" CurrentDate.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday") { SPListItem oI...
this is my personal web blog..anything that i do each day hopefully can get in this blog since i only able to write it if i have spare time at the office..(ky g kerja aj ya hahaa)