he told me once that developing a small scale application using Tier approaching or OOP is paint in the a*s (not the correct word but something like that :))
coz we need to developt each tier which is supposed to be done with someone who developed it not just by 'One Man Approach' like the one i done now
but i guess after developt prev program using this approach..i manage to understand 'how to do this', 'how to do that' stuff..well it involved alot problem but i guess the problem is equal to the effort afterward..if not, why people keep using this kind of approach right??? RIGHT??!@!@! :D
the Web is using 5 logical Tier approach..hopefully again i can manage to work it out..:D in an order
1. SystemFramework
2. BusinessFacade
3. BusineesRules
4. DataAccess
5. UserInterface
simillar to DuwamishVb7 that comes with MSDN July 2003..well i'm learning by trying and using same concept with that one is like a 'guide' to me..:D
first of all i need to set the Database Server first, after that going backward from 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 coz the 4 is act as a 'Blueprint' for 3, 3 to 2 and so on