hi all, found another intresting stuff to post
scenario: u change windows computer name and suddenly the query that contains SQL Server link server or anything that currently connect to ur "changed computer" is not working
try using this query in SSMS
after try, u must restart sql server services...then check if the query is working now
see u
scenario: u change windows computer name and suddenly the query that contains SQL Server link server or anything that currently connect to ur "changed computer" is not working
try using this query in SSMS
-– Get the current name of the SQL Server instance for later comparison.
SELECT @@servername
–- Remove server from the list of known remote and linked servers on the local instance of SQL Server.
EXEC master.dbo.sp_dropserver ‘[SERVER NAME]‘
–- Define the name of the local instance of SQL Server.
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addserver ‘[NEW SERVER NAME]‘, ‘local’
–- Get the new name of the SQL Server instance for comparison.
SELECT @@servername
after try, u must restart sql server services...then check if the query is working now
see u