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Showing posts from July, 2006

is it wrong to be a protective person?

yes i'm kinda a pushy guy in meaning that if i found something that according to me is not right..then when i see someone that doing it, i tend to say that it's not right..dont do that until they change their mind.. well guess is not right to do that..but what if what i say is not right is really not right? so that other person must experience it without me saying something?? what if it's related to the one that i care about? plz if anyone can give some advice on this one..leave a comment or email me at erickwidya"at"yahoo"dot"com (without the double quote) with the blogger's subject so i can understand where it comes from until the time comes..i stay with what i said earlier, perhaps with not so pushing :D well..i'm not a perfect person..

indonesia indonesia according to that's said in the last line that 'it's commonplace when achievement student is get finance from other countries' that's explain why indonesia is so far in many aspects from others the One that supposed to be superior in this country is go to others and it is common place.. i don't understand how the government work...very sad to read it..


learn something new today.. regarding Forms Authentication in ASP.NET.. it's involving using 2 or more web.config where the first one is at our root application and the 2nd, ... is at folder which we want more security principal to be taken like example : we have secure form where we want user to be authenticate/login first before we make user goes to that we have the 2nd web.config that said we deny all anynonymous user which represent by "?" character.. remember we must using "?", don't use "*" otherwise we will deny all users wether they authenticate or not..-> learn the hard way..2 hours to come with the solution :D too bad blogspot can't post some html script so i can't post the code in web.config neither code behind it.. 'till then

disaster in southern Java

too bad..indonesia is prone to nature disaster beside the internal disaster yesterday there is an earthquake that involved tsunami in pangandaran beach.. the tsunami is make the area really2 destroyed..not as bad as tsunami in aceh but still bad.. lot of people died..last 305 if i remember correctly.. it seem that disaster is "near" indonesia..maybe it's coz by the area where indonesia is exist..maybe it's coz by the sin of people that rules this country..maybe its God's will..maybe it's because people don't care about the area where they lived.. i prefer to believe the 2nd and 4th ..the greedy people caused this disaster.. may God bless this country

.NET is confusing

yes indeed..i spent this whole day in the office trying to figure how .ascx implemented in .aspx and why it can't add any button then using those .ascx... eventhough i already try ask at the forum..but i give up using those above.. in return i using the button at .ascx and works like a charm :D my head is dizzy now :(..need some sleep and good coding at the moment :D


if ur OE(Outlook Express) can't retrieve and send email.. try check the Account - Server tab..and confirm that the POP server and SMTP server is type correctly usually it's pop.domainName and smtp.domainname where it's using 110 and 25 port for it.. if it's ok and still can't connect then try check the TCP/IP Properties under network connection and under Preferred DNS..if it's pointing to Proxy's* IP then change it so it pointing to ISP'DNS(usually it comes with the manual) if it's still not working..then call technician coz i can't think what is the problem maybe the LAN cable is disconnect..maybe a virus, etc... *Proxy: is the computer which is sharing the internet over the LAN

Need to find an alternative for Badminton

yes..precisely this month(July 2006) i'm not playing it anymore coz there's less people..only 4 that often to come and they said already exhausted when i come coz i come i hours after them :"> well..not sure what i do to exercise..perhaps cleaning my room and floor every day? :bump: :D i thinking about fitness..u know to build my gain more weight :"> but it's expensive..three hundred thousand rupiah for a month.. that's for now..have to relax my mind since i've been code for 2 days..not whole day of course..:D

I'm a lazy Programmer

hold on a while before u judge me..i'm not lazy at all..i creative, and work hard..:"> well..i decide AGAIN for the Web using OOP approach again after a while i'm using instead i change all of them..i plan to leave as it is then develop using OOP for further coding :D so i'm making a class, inherits it, polymorph it..yipiii :D but i'm thinking is bored to declare all Property and Variable again.. so i make simple program using VB 6.0 that grab a Table from selected Database then make Class from it with its Property and Constructor..plan to develop more, maybe under GPL? Open Source? too much :D the program is final now well at least until i need to developt more on this program.. so the Web here i come again :D

a confusing issue

found an issue regarding VB 6.0.. i got an error that said 'Error loading form.See 'item' for details where the 'item' is form name (not exactly same message but something like that) weird because it's never happened took me reinstall the VB and related program..huu boringggg stuff :( took me for half an hour to be able to solved..well not solved find the correct answer for it.. first i go to Google (my fav :D)..and type those msg..walaaa, there are lot item found..i check each link in 1st or 2 page usually.. and there's a page from MS (yes..i think they have a great work for troubleshooting) regarding about Currenct format.. without reading much..i remember that i've been changing region setting and curreny format yesterday.. so i changing to default setting when the prog were developed..walaaa again, the issue not arrised.. eventhough it fix but i'm not checking in detail why that happened.. so i'm not having precise answer bu...

often what it looks beneath the surface is different than on the sufrace

hua2..bad english of mine i'll translate it 'seringkali yg terbayang tidak sama dengan yg terjadi' well it happen to me yesterday(July 2nd 2006)..i already have a speech if anyone question my opinion one question it even the one that closed to him is strange for this phenomenal(if i can say it so) well..enough for today..gonna go home soon..:D