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Showing posts from March, 2007

SAP Business 1

just get back from the training for 2 days now, the training is scheduled for 1 week i think :D weel first of all SAP made a great program like B1..very interesting in way of programming side coz i never realized it can be done that way(B1 way) hard for me to understand business process before but after attend the training the understand is well in higher level now but still can't be a consultant.. just come to my thought wether i should be programmer or consultant coz SAP is worlwide vendor with worldwide program that use well in 'BIG' company i think :D but i think i'll be an SDK for B1 since it still 'touch' B1 also programming skill that i have and also perhaps in this 15th March i'll be try my exam now to get MCAD after that go on for MCSD.. much much pray :D until then

about me :D

it's been a long time since my last post :D..sorry, got a new job just a month ago and been being adapted to it since then :) been learning .NET for localization, can't wait time to used it in app..(my project will have a couple of language :day dreaming:) also been learning to go for MCSD coz it's one of requirement at the new place :D later..